Can I create a referral offer for physical products? Not yet, but we’ll add this option soon.

Can I sell goods on Tribute without using the physical products feature? No, it won’t pass moderation.

Who handles the delivery of physical products? Currently, the seller is responsible for delivery, but we will integrate popular delivery services soon.

What if the item is wrong or of poor quality? You should contact the seller. The seller and the delivery service they use are responsible for resolving such issues.

Why should I pay a commission if I handle everything myself? Tribute allows you to sell products or set up an entire store within an existing community. You won’t have to redirect traffic to external sites, which usually significantly decreases conversion rates. Tribute also provides seamless global payment options for your products—just a few clicks within the messenger using any bank cards.

What about international shipping? Currently, the seller manages delivery and must arrange it directly with the delivery services.

How should I price shipping when the cost varies depending on the destination? We are working to make this feature more convenient. For now, you can issue a separate charge, e.q. through a donation.

Can I include links to other marketplaces in the physical goods section? No, this is not allowed.

Can I resell other people's items? For example, second-hand luxury goods? Yes, you can.

What is the service fee for the physical products feature? The commission is 10%.

Last updated